来自 : www.52wmb.com/category/rechem
south korea stc hydrazine hydrate 100 pct 200 kgs each on20 pallets nw 16000 kgs un 2030 cl 8 pg 2 ca rechem 0149007777 for chemical emergencies call chemtrec tel us 1 800 424 9300 or 1 703527 3887 chemtrec contract nccn4370 shipping marks hydrazine hydrate 100pct hts code 9902 01 38 hts code n2 2825 10 0000 cas nr 7803 57 8 origin france net weight 16mt po nr cc 75499 0 on all papers freight payable at marseille br 80.0 other 2021/02/07 south korea stc hydrazine hydrate 100 pct 200 kgs each on20 pallets nw 16000 kgs un 2030 cl 8 pg 2 ca rechem 0149007777 for chemical emergencies call chemtrec tel us 1 800 424 9300 or 1 703527 3887 chemtrec contract nccn4370 shipping marks hydrazine hydrate 100pct hts code 9902 01 38 hts code n2 2825 10 0000 cas nr 7803 57 8 origin france net weight 16mt po nr cc 75499 0 on all papers freight payable at marseille br 80.0 other 2020/08/07 other 2 tanks with residue last cont ained ethylaluminium sesquic hloride aapt001550 aapt001 633 un 3394 organometallic s ubstance liquid pyorphoric water reactive ethylalumi nium sesquichloride 4 2 4 3 3 tanks with residu e diethyla luminiumchloride a apt001580 aapt001581 aapt0 01620 un 3394 organometallic substance liquid pyrophor ic water reactive diethyla luminiumch loride 4 2 4 3 i fre ight prepaid sh ad stow count and we ight emergency telephone number ca rechem 32 0 70 233 201 con tinuation of notify email al bemarleimp hou panal pina com 5.0 other 2020/05/29 other tank with residue last contain ed residue tea triethylalumi nium un 3394 4 2 4 3 pg i freight prepaid ord er 6200008282 shipper s lo ad stow count and weight emergency telephone number ca rechem 32 0 70 233 201 con tinuation of notify email al bem 1.0 other 2019/11/13 bahamas un no. 3394 imo class 4.2 t ype empty unclean portable ta nk no. of packages 1 gross weight 7195.00 kg net weight 15.00 kg residue only pro per shipping name organometal lic substance liquid pyrophoric water active technical name triethylaluminium res idue only packing group i m arine pollutant no limited q uantity yes flash point py rophoric may ignite spontaneou sly boiling point 240 centig rade ems no fg sm sub risk 4.3 emergency telephone n umber par +32070233201 ca rechem 24 1.0 other 2019/10/15 netherlands hazardous details un 1824 sodium hydroxide solution class 8 pg ii ems fa sb ca rechem 24 umicore +441235239670 stb. le vacell fast blue ehs lq ibc un 1824 imo 8ii cn code 32041900 net weight 2100 kgs ship pers ref 83558779 + 83553137 po 450224 1.0 other 2019/10/15 netherlands hazardous details un 1824 sodium hydroxide solution class 8 pg ii ems fa sb ca rechem 24 umicore +441235239670 1.0 other 2017/11/17 other hazardous details: un: 3077, environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. (zinc), class: 9, pg: iii, ems: f-a s-f, everzinc belg i um (angleur) carechem24 +441235239670 zinc m etal pigment 14 bb on 14 pallets environ men tally hazardous substance , solid , n.o. s., (zinc) , 9 iii marine pollutant cde 9764 684 final place of delivery : termi nal tran sfer and storage 2230 n 3rd street usa - 708 02 baton rouge usa ca rechem + 1 215 207 0061 br/ 14.0 other 2017/06/16 other hazardous details: un: 3077, environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. (zinc), class: 9, pg: iii, marine pollutant, ems: f-a s -f, everzinc belgium (angleur) carechem24 +32 32131570 hazardous substance, solid, n.o .s. (zinc), class: 9, pg: iii, marine pollut ant , ems: f-a s-f, everzinc belgium (overpe lt) +3232131570 big bags on 20 pallets zinc po wder un 3077 environmentally hazardous s ubst ance, solid, n.o.s. (zinc) 9, iii mari ne po llutant 24-hours emergency number: ca rechem 24/umicore region europe : +32 3 2131 570 re gion america : +1 877 986 4267 msds number : 33384198 imdg segregation group 15: powder ed metals br/ 20.0 other 2017/05/30 other hazardous details: un: 3266, corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s. (( silicic acid ( h 2sio3), disodium salt, pentahydrate )),,, cla ss: 8, pg: iii, ems: f-a s-b, houghton plcca rechem +441235239670 loaded on 1 palle t br/ 4.0 other
本文链接: http://rechemgermany.immuno-online.com/view-764802.html
发布于 : 2021-03-25